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decision maker app

decision maker app

3 min read 19-12-2024
decision maker app

This article provides a comprehensive guide to building a "Decision Maker" app using's App Lab. We'll cover the fundamental concepts, step-by-step instructions, and potential enhancements to create a fun and useful application. This app will help users make decisions by randomly selecting an option from a list they provide.

Understanding the Core Functionality

The Decision Maker app's core function is simple: it takes a list of choices as input and randomly selects one. This requires several key programming elements:

  • User Input: The app needs a way for the user to input their options. We'll use text input boxes.
  • Data Storage: The inputted options need to be stored for later processing. We'll use an array to hold the list of choices.
  • Random Number Generation: To select a random option, we'll utilize a random number generator function.
  • Output Display: Finally, the app needs to display the randomly selected choice to the user. We'll use a text output area.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building the App

Let's build the app step-by-step within's App Lab environment.

1. Setting up the User Interface

First, design the user interface (UI). You'll need:

  • Text Input: A text box where the user enters their options, separated by commas (e.g., "Option 1, Option 2, Option 3"). Label it clearly, perhaps "Enter your choices:".
  • Button: A button labeled "Make a Decision!" that triggers the decision-making process.
  • Output Area: A text area to display the randomly chosen option. Label this "The decision is:".

2. Writing the Code

Now, let's add the JavaScript code to make the app functional. This code will be placed within the onEvent function for the "Make a Decision!" button.

onEvent("button1", "click", function() {
  var choices = getText("textbox1").split(","); // Get input, split into array
  var randomIndex = randomNumber(0, choices.length - 1); // Generate random index
  var decision = choices[randomIndex].trim(); // Get random choice and trim whitespace
  setText("output1", "The decision is: " + decision); // Display the decision

This code performs the following actions:

  1. Gets User Input: getText("textbox1") retrieves the text from the input box. .split(",") splits the string into an array of individual choices.
  2. Generates Random Index: randomNumber(0, choices.length - 1) generates a random number between 0 and the last index of the array (inclusive).
  3. Selects Random Choice: choices[randomIndex] accesses the randomly selected choice from the array. .trim() removes any leading or trailing whitespace.
  4. Displays Output: setText("output1", "The decision is: " + decision) displays the selected choice in the output area.

3. Testing and Refinements

Thoroughly test the app. Try different inputs, including cases with only one choice, or no choices. Handle potential errors gracefully (e.g., display a message if no choices are entered).

Enhancing the App

Here are some ways to enhance the Decision Maker app:

  • Error Handling: Add checks to ensure the user has entered at least one choice. Display an error message if not.
  • Input Validation: Improve input handling to allow for spaces within choices (e.g., "Choice One", "Choice Two").
  • Visual Improvements: Use more visually appealing elements, such as custom colors and fonts.
  • Multiple Decision Makers: Allow the user to specify multiple decision-making rounds.
  • Weighted Choices: Allow users to assign weights to choices, making some more likely to be selected than others. This would require a more advanced data structure.


This tutorial demonstrates how to build a basic Decision Maker app using's App Lab. By understanding the fundamental concepts and following the step-by-step guide, you can create a functional and potentially highly engaging application. Remember to experiment, refine, and add your creative touch to make it your own! This app is a great starting point for learning fundamental programming concepts such as user input, data manipulation, and random number generation. By expanding upon this foundation, you can create increasingly complex and innovative applications.

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